Godsend.in is a trademark of Godsend Enterprises. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners and neither Godsend.in nor Godsend Enterprises claim any right to the same.
Users of the website should note that names/logos/trademarks of various automobile manufacturers, their Brand name, images etc. are used on good-faith basis for representative purpose only to enable users of the website to understand the fitment and usage of the spare parts. Godsend.in and Godsend Enterprises does not claim in any manner whatsoever to be an authorized representative of any auto parts manufacturer, unless notified expressly. Godsend.in has also tie-up with other manufacturers.
In case you have any further questions/queries please feel free to reach us at WhatsApp 8010562591 or mail us at [email protected] or Contact us from Here.